Friday 10 June 2011

Malacca Visitors

We are so glad to meet up with this angel couple, Chee & Mei from Malacca. They are both devoted animal lovers & Mei is also doing the stray dogs & cats rescue jobs in Malacca. We have shared our goggie & catty stories and how we started to get into animal charity works. This meeting has been arranged by God who wanted us to meet together to form a stronger group for ex-changing information on animal rescue experiences. Mei has shared with us an interesting information that there is a wonderful man - Mr Raymund Wee who founded NANAS (Noah's Ark Natural Animal Sanctuary) in Johor. ONE MAN MISSION to provide a home for hundred & thousand of dogs, cats, horses, rabbits & guinea pigs.  NANAS is set in 10 acres of lush terrain, and the architecture is kampong-inspired. A wide variety of flora, durian and fruit trees, streams and ponds combine to lend to the overall magic of the animal sanctuary. It is a Shangri-la for happy free-roaming dogs, cats, Melody the pony and her goat gang, an iguana, a leopard cat and chickens and geese. WE WILL SOON DEFINITELY PLAN A TRIP DOWN TO JOHOR TO PAY A VISIT TO NANAS GET TO KNOW THIS WONDERFUL MAN  !

Animal Lovers 1st gathering on 26th May 2011 in Muda House to discuss how to help the 4 farm dogs from putting down to sleep ( Irish tourist Death case )

We suspect this little poor brownie who belong to Santhi is born blind, we are now giving him anti-biotic eye oilment and hope it will help him to get back his eyesight.  

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