Sunday 5 June 2011

A Kind Note from Coranne

These books are donated by the woman who have bought purse and belt yesterday. "The Animal Manifesto" has 6 reasons for compassion to animals. Maybe you could post them somewhere. I have another suggestion. Make sure the guesthouses have information to give travellers on what you do and volunteering possibilities. Thank you for what you do!

Coranne Creswell
June 1, 2011

The 6 reasons for being compassionate to animals are:
1) All animals share the Earth and we must coexist.
2) Animals think and feel.
3) Animals have and deserve compassion.
4) Connection breeds caring, alienation breeds disrespect.
5) Our world is not compassionate to animals.
6) Acting compassionately helps all beings and our world.

If you are interested to learn more, please read "The Animal Manifesto".

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